Playing FrontierSpace last night, +Bill Logan? rolls a critical fail. So I try. Roll a critical fail. Needless to say we were able to recover the "dark-tech".
We took a shuttle to STATION 9, met a contact who pointed us to the most likely location the thieves would try to leave the station.
Joe Fabulous, "You must know this area, deck seven to thirteen is off the grid."
Me, "What?".
Joe, "It's off the grid, you know, "dark". Doesn't register with normal station operations. Nobody goes there, not even the Authority."
Lol?»Read more
Play testing FrontierSpace with +Bill Logan?. New sample character sheet and top of our old Players' Handbook.
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Star Frontiers was a great game. Still is actually. Even after decades it remains fresh, playable and fun. Although other excellent Science Fiction games have been made before and since, none match Star Frontiers, to my mind at least, for playability, and the bright bold future it depicts. It was a game too good to be allowed to die. The work of Bill Logan, Larry Moore and the other Star-frontiersmen (many of whom frequent DwD forums) has saved SF from being lost altogether. The community that still play is small but certainly active.»Read more
For those of you who have been asking about it, the FrontierSpace RPG is coming along nicely, but we made a design choice: divide the monstrous book up into 3 separate softbound books...»Read more
A table of random Minor NPC's.