Condition cards help a busy player and game master keep track of all those nasty conditions the characters get saddled with during a game session of Art of Wuxia. These cards, meant to be kept in front of you during play, help you remember that you're fatigued, drained, blinded, and surprised. Well... if you're all those things, good luck!
Condition cards with yellow text and borders are debilitative, but they don't take you out of the action. If you have any with red text and borders... it's okay, you can check your phone messages for a few minutes.»Read more
There are a lot of dice rolled in a session of Art of Wuxia: rolls for initative, rolls to hit, rolls for damage, action checks, resistance checks... and oh wait... which of those was my initiative die?!
This initiative deck gives you another way to track turn order. Deal each player a number of cards equal to their INIT score. Let him use whichever is higher as his initiative score for that round. If you have more than one card, the others could be used for tie breakers.»Read more
With this supplement, players who roll critical failures will be permitted to draw a destiny card onto the center of the table. Thereafter, when any character spends qi, they may choose to use that qi to perform one of the abilities listed on one of the destiny cards, discarding it! This helps to make getting set back by poor rolls more thematic - and simulates the sudden cinematic plot resurgences prevalent in the wuxia genre.»Read more