This is a map which was sketched out by Larry a long time ago. I scanned it and played with some effects to make an interesting ice giant cave lair.
And as an added bonus - check this out: the same map turned into a cave giant's lair... playing with filters and whatnot, hope you like!
As usual, this map is free to use for private or public or commercial use. Attribution appreciated but not necessary. Hope you use it in a game session and let me know about it!!
This past Friday I was at U-Con playing BBF and CO (as well as a bunch of other things) with people. Had a blast, but was away from my office where all my good software resides. So I couldn't use photoshop or illustrator or anything I usually use to make maps. So here's a map I whipped up using Microsoft Word :-) It'll do. As usual, this map is free to use for private or public or commercial use. Attribution appreciated but not necessary. Hope you use it in a game session and let me know about it!!
I'm going to try to start a tradition of offering a free map every Friday. Some will be lite & quick like this one (old hand-drawn map I scanned and colored in photoshop), some might be more elaborate. I think this will help me grow my skills. And if someone uses one for one of their games, all the better. Free for private and commercial use (attribution not required). Enjoy.